Serving Pinal County

The Pinal County Treasurer's Office is dedicated to providing easily accessible tax information and resources to better help taxpayers understand the collection, distribution, and billing process for county property taxes.

Treasurer Seal
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Pinal County Treasurer

The county treasurer is an elected public official responsible for collecting taxes and maintaining financial records for a county. This official organizes the regular collection of property taxes from county residents and special taxes from businesses.

Michael P. McCord

Pinal County Treasurer

Michael P. McCord was elected to the position of Treasurer in 2016. He serves as the 27th Treasurer of Pinal County. He is originally from Pennsylvania, during his time there he worked as a Paramedic and Director of Operations for an ambulance service in Millcreek Township, Pennsylvania. Mr. McCord graduated from the University of Edinboro and received his B.A. in American Government and Public Administration.

In 2006 Mr. McCord relocated to Arizona with his wife Jacquelyn. He worked as a school teacher at a Charter School in Apache Junction where he taught Middle School Math and American Government. During this time he earned his Master's degree in Business Administration and was promoted to Executive Director for the Charter school.

Mr. McCord is a member of several community organizations and resides in San Tan Valley with his wife and daughters.


Phone: 888-431-1311

Fax: 520-866-6450

About Us


The Pinal County Treasurer is the custodian of public monies, responsible for the collection and distribution of the personal and real property taxes levied by the county and various taxing entities (i.e., Political Subdivisions) including the community college, school districts, fire districts, sanitary districts, water and irrigation districts, various improvement districts, flood control districts and cities and towns.

Additional Responsibilities of the office include:

  • Providing financial services to special districts and political subdivisions within Pinal County
  • Investing county monies while maintaining liquidity to conduct business on a daily basis
  • Receipt and disbursement of public funds
  • Debt management of bond issues
  • Payment of school and county warrants
  • Offering delinquent taxes for purchase at a Tax Lien Sale in February that increases the revenue from unpaid delinquent taxes
  • Overseeing the process of deeding property to the State of Arizona for parcels with five years of delinquent taxes


The Pinal County Treasurer's Office is dedicated to providing easily accessible tax information and resources to better help taxpayers understand the collection, distribution, and billing process.


Our mission is to provide outstanding customer service to the taxpayers of Pinal County both online and in person. The Treasurer's office works with all taxing authorities in a collaborative environment to better serve our community in the collection, distribution, and investment of revenues.

Awards and Successes


The Pinal County Treasurer's office provides several .

Parcel Inquiry

Search for tax information by parcel number or owner name. Find county Tax sale information.

Treasurer's Agency Services

Pinal County departments and special districts are able to obtain up to date electronic reporting for audit, budget, and reconciliation purposes in addition to uploading pertinent records to the Treasurer database.

Treasurer’s Corporate Services (TCS) Bulk Tax Payments

Individuals or companies that own or pay multiple parcels may sign up for the Treasurers' Corporate Services (TCS) online application which provides the ability to lookup due amounts for parcels in mass, in addition to paying their parcel list in a single payment.

Assessor Information

Property information provided by the Pinal County Assessor.

Financial Statements

Financial statements and reporting of county transactions are available to the public.


Due dates and times are based on the Treasurer’s main office in Florence's hours of operation and observed legal holidays. Satellite offices may be closed. If the delinquency date is a Saturday, Sunday or other legal holiday, the time of delinquency is 5:00 p.m. on the next business day. All taxes bear interest from the time of delinquency at the rate of sixteen percent per year simple until paid. A fraction of a month is counted as a whole month. Additional fees may apply.

Top 5 Frequently Asked Questions

Tax time can be confusing and we get a lot of questions. Here are the top 5 questions we receive at tax time.

  • How do I find the amount I owe for property taxes?

    Visit the Treasurer's Parcel Inquiry website for property tax information such as the amount due, payment history, tax bills, coupons, receipts, and more.

  • Taxes $100 or less are due in full on October 1st by 5 pm.
    Taxes will be delinquent after 5 pm on December 31st.

    Taxes of more than $100 may be paid in two installments:
    One-half of the amount of taxes is due October 1st by 5 pm.
    Taxes will be delinquent after 5 pm on November 1st.
    And the remaining one-half is due March 1st by 5 pm.
    Taxes will be delinquent after 5 pm on May 1st.

    Alternatively, you may pay your taxes in full. Full-year taxes are due December 31st by 5 pm.
    Taxes will be delinquent after 5 pm on December 31st.
    Interest will incur from November 1st.

    All taxes bear interest from the time of delinquency at the rate of sixteen percent per year simple until unpaid. A fraction of a month is counted as a whole month, pro-rated at 1.33% per month as of the first day of the month until paid in accordance with ARS § 42-18053. Additional fees may apply. Due dates and times are based on the Treasurer's Florence office hours of operation and observed legal holidays. Satellite offices may be closed. If the delinquency date is a Saturday, Sunday, or other legal holidays, the time of delinquency is 5 pm on the next business day.

    Although the Treasurer makes every effort to mail a tax bill to all property owners, Arizona Revised Statutes do not require the Treasurer to do so, it is the responsibility of the property owner to ensure their taxes are paid each year. Tax information is available online. Verify your mailing address by contacting the Assessor's Office.

  • The valuation of the property also plays a key role in calculating property taxes. Each year the Pinal County Assessor mails a Notice of Valuation to all property owners. The valuation is provided for two years and is based on the market sales in your area. If you believe the valuation is incorrect, a period of time is designated to file an appeal. For more information concerning the valuation, ownership, classification or a change of address, contact the Pinal County Assessor's Office

  • The mortgage company will contact the Treasurer to obtain the information required for processing your tax payment. For "informational purposes only" the county Treasurer shall mail a statement of taxes due on the property to the mortgagor at the mortgagor's last known address.

    For verification of payment by the mortgage company, view your tax payment history online. Mortgage companies may apply the payment on the actual due date. Please contact your mortgage company to address any concerns you may have.

  • A tax lien sale is held every February for delinquent taxes on real property for the prior tax year. This is a tax lien certificate on the parcel only and does not give anyone the right to enter or take possession of the property. At any time beginning three years after the sale of a tax lien the purchaser has a right to foreclose on their tax lien (§ARS 42-18201).

More Frequently Asked Questions